Exporting the JCR content to the filesystem

Knowledge base / Microblog about software development related things by Hans-Peter Störr

Exporting the JCR content to the filesystem

Created 21-08-2023, last change 22-08-2023

If you like to export some content from the JCR to the filesystem, it is possible to create a content package, but that can be troublesome if you want to export much content because that creates a package as large as the content in the JCR. Fortunately, there are several alternatives to that, which just export the content by creating packages on the fly. See also here for the opposite - syncing to the JCR.

Use the Composum Browser

If the Composum Nodes Browser is installed, there are buttons to download the subtree below a node as content package or as a zip file, which do not create a package in the JCR. These can just be triggered from the browser. Since the browser as a REST API, it can also be used from scripts, such as these.

Composum Nodes Debugutils

The Composum Nodes Debugutils is an OSGI bundle that can be deployed independently from Composum Nodes. It contains a DownloadJcrTreeAsPackageServlet that can be used to download a JCR tree - if needed even on a AEMaaCS (development!) publisher.


Since the JCR can be made accessible via WebDAV, any WebDAV tools might also be used to copy the content. If you use IntelliJ, that can be used for this purpose.

Example configuration in IntelliJ: Web server URL: http://localhost:9090/server/default/jcr%3aroot/ Mapping: Local path: /Users/hps/dev/composum/nodes/pckgmgr/src/main/resources/root/libs/composum/nodes/pckgmgr Deployment path: /libs/composum/nodes/pckgmgr/ Web path: libs/composum/nodes/pckgmgr